You may wish to use Multi Company if you use more than one company logo to represent different businesses within your group company.
To do this you would firstly setup the multiple companies
Then you associate your customers within Tracker Pro to the correct multiple comnpany.
Once you complete any services or tests you simply need to use of the specifically designed Multiple Company Job Dockets to print with the correct company name. Logo and Footer Image.
Step 1 - Setup your Multiple Companies in Tracker Pro : Settings - Multi Companies

Remember to set Logo and Footer Images so they appear correctly on the Multi Company Report
Step 2 - Associate your customers with the correct company
Select the customers in the customers module, then right mouse click - select Company - Set Company then select the appropriate company (press the Select button).
Step 3 - Use any Multi Company reports to display the correct Logo and Footer on resulting job dockets for these companies.

Test ResultJb14.rpx in the Jobs Module has been specifically designed to deal with Multi Company settings.