Service Contract and Subscription Billing

Service Contract and Subscription Billing

Tracker Pro has the ability to raise invoices for customers contracts or raise charges for contracts on Service JobSheets depending upon your settings.
There are three methods/settings of automatic billing for Service Contracts as follows  that cater essentially for two types of approach ; either Subscription style of billing or billing upon completion of the service(s).

You should setup your preferred method in Company Info Screen - Invoice Details Tab - Subscription Preferences area
When creating a contract you can vary this setting for individual customers and contracts meaning you could have a mixture of customers you want to charge using a subscription model and others you want to charge via the Jobsheet upon completing the service(s).

1. Billing as per Subscription
 Invoices are raised according to the billing schedule taken from the contract. Subscription Invoices Module contains all invoices ; raised  monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or annually.

2. Job Invoice - Full Year on first Service 
The full year contract charge  is added to the Job charges upon the closing of the first Service Job in the annual cycle.
You can additionally manually add a contract charge into teh Job Charges Tab -

3. Job Invoice - Pro rata on each Service 
A pro-rata contract charge is added to the Job charges upon the Closing of each Service Job. The pro rata amount is calculated based on the number of annual services.

You can set your preferred method within Company Details and you can vary it within  each Service Contract/Subscription.

A. Company Info Defaults
Access the company Settings through the menu item Admin - Company Info ( Item 1 below)
Item 2 in the diagram : Automatic Job Charging will switch off or on,  globally,  the feature of automatic Job Charging for Services - this means any contracts you have set to charge using Job Invoice (method 2 and 3 above) will only operate when this is on.
Item 3 in the diagram:  Billing Option can be set to one of the three settings defined above. This will be the default used if not set within the individual contract and it will be used as the opening default for any contracts you create.
Item 4 in the diagram : Automatically add charges on Job Close - tick this to indicate to Tracker Pro that a charge should be entered automatically by the system for any contracts setup as method 2 or 3 (Job Invoice style) upon completion (Closing) of the Service Job
Item 5 in the diagram : Automatically Raise Service Invoices every night - tick this to indicate to Tracker Pro that an invoice should be raised automically  by the system for any contracts setup as method 1 (Subscriptoin style) during the nightly invoice run.
Item 6 in the diagram : Automatically settle the invoice through payment channels setup in Tracker Pro and agreed by the customer ( Go Cardless and Stripe are the two options).
Item 7 in the diagram: Create billing text to be used during the insertion of charges into the Jobsheet for any contracts setup as method 2 or 3 (Job Invoice style) upon completion (Closing) of the Service Job
Billing Text as defined at 7 below can be constructed through entering a combination of Text and merge fields selectable in the drop down field above it. The merge data is rendered appropriately during normal processes

B. Contract and Subscription Settings
During the creation of the contract you can vary the individual contract billing method by changing values in Payment and Schedule Section plus the Invoice Text Section.
Item 1 below should be ticked if you wish the Invoices to be raised in Subscription mode - if unticked the contract will be ignored during the nightly subs invoice run and also ignored when a subs invoice run is triggered manually
Item 2 below should be ticked if you wish these contract details to be inherited for any subsequent contracts for this Customer ; this would take precedence over any Company Defaults and be used in any future Contracts for this customer.
Item 3 below shows the schedule,  values and settings that will be used if this contract is to be operated in Subscription mode and can be changed to suit your preferred payment needs.  

C Invoice Settings and Skipping an Invoice

This section contains the invoice address details which will default to the customer details.

When a contract is setup, you may have been invoicing using a different method before migrating to Tracker Pro Subscription Method. Invoice to Skip (1) and Invoice From Date (2) allow you to determine a date from which you wish Tracker pro to issue invoices.  This allows you to invoice, send emails with those invoices and charge automatically via Go Cardless or Stripe from a date other than the start of the contract. When you first create a contract, these fields will be auto-populated with a value that creates the first Invoice at the earliest future Date according to the contract schedule (the user can adjust the invoice to Skip value should there be a need for retrospective billing)

The impact of skipping an invoice - it is still raised and can be seen in the Subscription invoices but it is marked as SKIP (coloured Yellow)  status and is not sent to the user nor is it charged. The only invoices that are sent to user and charged are those whose status are LIVE.

D. Manually Adding a Contract Charge into a Job

1. Load the Job by clicking the pencil icon to the left of the record in the Jobs List within the Jobs Module
2. Select the Charges Tab
3. In the Orange Operation button Select Add Contract Charge (1)

2. Select either Full or Pro Rata Charge for the Contract
3 Review and Edit the Charge Line item text
4. Press Select
5. Review and Press Save on the Jobsheet ( add /review any other appropraite charges )

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